Living Room or Keeping Room, maybe.
Dining Room with goat skull on table.
Back of Dining Room
Keeping Room
My sister Pat and her husband Mark have gone primitive. No, they don't run around naked (at least to my knowledge, but that's too much information), but they are decorating their home for a simpler life. They're handy with wood and saws and have created some of their furniture replicating that of times past. Many of their furnishings are antiques and I have given them a couple of skulls from my collection..... (a goat and a possum). I've always liked primitives and have a few that I've collected over the years, but I have very eclectic tastes, and I must admit I'm not willing to forgo any of my creature comforts. Pat and Mark haven't given up modern appliances and plumbing, but some things are best hidden. You'll see Pat's laptop computer in one of the pictures, but that's because we were doing some genealogical work while I was there. I hope you enjoy the pictures. I think you'll admit the lifestyle has a charm all its own, but I'll warn you in the event you want to go primitive..........genuine primitive antiques are getting very hard to find and they're extremely expensive. I didn't have room for pictures of the bedrooms and bathroom!