Tuesday, June 22, 2010

50th Wedding Anniversary

One of 50 Red Roses

My husband and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary June 19th. It proves two people who are polar opposites can co-exist. We married while in college and after I graduated, my husband earned his PhD. They were interesting years to say the least. About the only things we have in common are two children and our love of horses. We raised horses for many years and our children took them into the show ring. Our son wanted to be a cowboy and wasn't too interested in horsemanship, but our daughter was serious about getting her horses to do exactly as she asked and worked at it every day. We have an attic full of trophies to prove it.

My daughter and son-in-law had planned a family celebration on Saturday night at St. Elmo's restaurant in Indianapolis. I became ill with an infrequent but recurring illness Thursday evening and wasn't sure I would be able to attend, but I made it, and we enjoyed it tremendously. It was a wonderful evening at one of our favorite places.

Every anniversary, without fail, my husband has sent me a red rose for each year we've been married. The red rose in the picture is one of the 50 I received this year. It's beginning to fade a bit, but then so am I. Don't ever tell my husband my favorite rose is yellow. I never have.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Launch of Bedlam at the Brickyard

Part of the crowd
On the right is Ginger Bock who is in charge of marketing
at CardinalPublishers Group

Crowd waiting to get books signed

Special cake designed by Diana Catt

Snack Table

Tom and Adriane Doherty, owners of Cardinal Publishers Group, and publishers of Bedlam at the Brickyard under their Blue River Press imprint

Authors signing book

Still signing books

Authors still signing books. They signed hundreds.

Marianne Halbert with books to sign

The Speed City Indiana Chapter of Sisters in Crime launched their new anthology, Bedlam at the Brickyard, Saturday, June 12th, at the Barnes & Noble bookstore, Carmel, IN. Diana Catt, president of the chapter, did a magnificient job organizing the event with input from the chapter.
Michael Dabney, publicist for the chapter, did a great job getting the word out. About 150 people turned out for the event and the authors were kept busy signing hundreds of books as most people bought multiple copies. I heard a few complaints of writer's cramp! Dave Reddick designed the invitations for the event which featured the book cover and were stunning.
All royalties the chapter receives from the sale of the anthologies are used for its literacy, library and writing programs. Thanks to everyone for their support.