Monday, May 24, 2010

Excerpt From Bedlam at the Brickyard

Excerpt from Bedlam at the Brickyard: The Race Is On, by Brenda Robertson Stewart

After the radiologist declared me fit to race, I called my garage at the track. Smitty answered and said he'd come to the hospital and give me a ride back to the garage. While I was waiting, I called my friend Joe and told him about my 'haring' around. He laughed, but I was not too amused. I could have been killed getting back to the track.

"What were you thinking about when you shifted?" he asked.

"I wasn't thinking anything. I was getting dizzy from the 360's I was doing. I could hear Smitty on the radio calling out, "Lapin, hang on."

"Ah. You must have unconsciously focused on your name. You know 'lapin' means rabbit in French. Don't you remember the French teacher teasing you about your name in high school?"

"Well, I've got to figure out how to control this shape-shifting or find an antidote to reverse it."

"That old witch who sold me the mix didn't say nothing about being able to reverse the spell."

Come to the book launch for Bedlam at the Brickyard, Saturday, June 12th, 2-5 p.m. at the Carmel Barnes & Noble bookstore. Or, order a copy from or Barnes and

There are 15 short stories in the anthology and fact sheets about the Brickyard in between each story. Plus, the Foreword is written by James Alexander Thom.


  1. It's looking good, Brenda.
    I posted an excerpt on my blog also.

  2. Hope your next anthology will veer from racing and be about "Hoosier Mysteries" so I can submit my Hildegarde and the Housegirls story.
