Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Too Many Irons in the Fire

In my last blog, I said Wanda and I would be on the TV show Indy Style June 20th. I meant May 20th--day after tomorrow.

While I have your attention, I want to tell you about a wonderful contest we're having at Books We Love. Every week until July 31 one winner will be drawn to receive their choice of an ebook from any one of our Books We love authors. On May 31, June 30 and July 31st three winners will be drawn who will each receive an autographed copy of one of the print books displayed on the page. On July 31st one lucky winner will receive a Kobo, a brand new reader just being released from Borders, and their choice of any five Books We Love ebooks.
Go to www.bookswelove.net . To enter the contest, simply visit five of the author pages displayed on the web page index and sign the guest book of the author you choose to visit. Then fill out the entry form on the website and click submit.

1 comment:

  1. Brenda, so glad you got the cover design up on your blog. I have been trying unsuccessfully since last night but a friend is going to help me.
    See you Saturday.
